Biannual Stone Awards 2020
It was great to see so many British Stones and fabricators up for awards in the Biannual Stone Awards this year hosted by the Stone Federation. We are very please that a number of our stones won awards on projects manufactured; masoned and built by our very talented customers. A F Jones Ltd and CSK […]
Visits to the BlockStore are on the Increase
Clients; main contractors; architects and developers are all visiting the BlockStore in increasing numbers. Recent visitors include Rodney Melville and Partners; National Trust; Francis Terry and Finchatton. The BlockStore has some 10,000 tonnes of block from all our quarries is proving very popular for selection of block for specific projects. Many are astounded at the […]
Client Visits To Stone Block Store
We are receiving rave reviews from main contractors, architects and developers following visits to our block storage facility located within our Cadeby dimensional block stone quarry. This dimensional block store holds stocks of block from all of our quarries and at any given time our aim is to hold block from every one of our […]